Megadim 63 is finally here!
Happy to update that Megadim volume 63, dedicated to one of the founders of the journal, Rabbi Yoel Bin Nun, has finally been published and uploaded to the journal's section on the Herzog College website. You can find it here.
The journal includes the long-anticipated paper by Gershon Galil and Eli Shukron summarizing some of their new research on inscriptions they associate with King Chizkiyahu. This paper is a reworking of one chapter of their still-anticipated book on the inscriptions, due to come out some time in the near future.
Other papers that off the bat look interesting to me (though, knowing myself, boredom and lack of reading material will probably lead me to read most of the rest and discover that others are interesting as well):
- A paper by Rabbi Prof. Yoel Elitzur on the mentioning of Chiel's building of the wall of Yericho.
- A paper by Dr. Neriah Klein on Sefer Melachim as a historical reconstruction of biblical history from Beresheet to Shoftim.
- A paper by Dr. Yoshi Farajun on Tehillim 107 as a prayer from the beit midrash of Yeshayahu.
- A paper by Elyachin Bin Nun on the views of the leaders of the Persian Empire regarding Hashem and the Temple at Yerushalayim.
- A paper by Prof. Tova Ganzel on important people in Yerushalayim in the early days of the Second Temple Period.
- A paper by Prof. Yosi Garfinkel on the names 'Yeruba'al' and 'Ishba'al'.
- A paper by Rabbi Dr. Yehudah Brandes on the way the sages read Tanach.
- A paper by Rabbi Amnon Bazak on the reason why Yosef could not maintain his composure.
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