Another paper, more nerves/excitement

So, a few minutes ago I submitted another Tanach-related paper to a fairly good Israeli Tanach journal. This is not my Levitical Cities paper. I decided to take an extended break from that one to clear my head and finish my BA schoolwork. During my spare time, I focused on three projects in particular: Two Tanach papers and a midrash paper. So, the first of these papers, which was submitted today, is about a curious verse in Melachim, which Biblical Criticism scholars have (naturally) thought to be distorted. I propose in the paper two chiddushim: The first explains why the verse is not distorted and in fact can be explained easily based on a phenomenon found in colloquial Hebrew throughout the ages (yup - from Tanachic times [including epigraphic sources!!] through modern Israeli Hebrew). The second proposes a new interpretation for the verse as a whole, drawing on symbolism and comparison to many other sources. I'd love to share more, but I'd like to see this thing get through (for a change...). So, as with the LC paper, unfortunately, I won't get into any other details for the time being.

So, that's some more nerves/excitement on my already nerve-wracked brain. I really, really hope this one gets through, because I really put in my heart and soul into this one, and this time, unlike the LC paper, I wrote it on my own. I shared some of the ideas along the way with some friends and one professor, but didn't get actual writing tips from anyone. This is truly a test of my mettle.


As I mentioned, there's another Tanach-related paper in the works. I actually thought I'd send that one in today or tomorrow. but then I had a brainstorm that allowed me to finish the other paper, so I sent that one in. I also need to finish one last assignment for my BA before term starts. So maybe I'll be able to send this one by the end of next week. The topic is about an incredibly obscure Tanachic character, on whom I believe I can suggest a couple of chiddushim, which may illuminate his short appearance in Tanach (Book of Yehoshua, by the way).

Finally, there's a long-term midrash paper I've been working on for oh, about a year and a half now (on and off, of course). It's not really Tanach related - sure, some Tanachic themes do appear, but that's not the core. Perhaps I'll share more in the future on the other blog.

Small update [26th Tishrei 5785]
I received an email today from the board of the journal to which I had submitted the paper yesterday, and was informed that upon a first glance, the paper looks like it could fit the journal, which is promising. However, they're working right now on finishing last year's journal, so it'll take a couple of months until they get to working on the next one. And of course, I don't have any idea how many other papers have already been submitted for the next journal. So in short, I'll have to stay patient for some months.


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