Big news! Kind of...

Big news! Last week I emailed out an academic-level essay that I had been working on for nearly a year (!!!) to an academic-level Tanach-studies journal in Israel. This is the first time that I've attempted to get one of my essays published outside of my yeshiva's monthly journal, which is only handed out in the yeshiva and it's also the first time that I'm trying to get published in an academic, peer-reviewed journal.

This essay deals with the subject of the Levitical Cities and I offered up a theory of mine based on analyzing archeological findings of the cities in the territory of one specific tribe. Right now I'm not going to say too much on the theory because I'm holding out for the paper being published (whether in that journal or another one if it gets rejected). B"H I'll update on what happens - whether it gets accepted or is rejected and I'll be turning to a different journal.


  1. Dear Harel, I wanted to thank you for your reply on MI YODEYA regarding the Munich 95 MS. While I have used sefaria before, I had forgotten about the MS tool which is brilliant. But above all, the CAIRO GENIZAH WEBSITE is absolutely mind-blowing; I have never seen anything like it.
    While I am not Jewish (yet Zionist and religious), I am interested in Jewish history and MSS. So, thanks again very much for taking the time and superbly answering my question. Jake

    1. You're very welcome! I also first heard about the Genizah site from someone on Mi Yodeya. I'm happy to be able to past the info on. I've used that site countless times now.


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