Ein Ganim and Anem - A Tale of Two (?) Cities
*For those anxiously anticipating the continued adventures of the Danites (not) at sea, that will be B"H a later post, some time. Besides for exams, I also need to hand in my first academic paper, for my academic writing course. The topic I'm researching is whether the Levitical Cities may have also been border-defense cities. Naturally, part of the research includes attempting to identify the locations of the cities and examining any archeological evidence uncovered so far. Which brings me to the topic of this post: The list of the cities appears in two places: Once in Yehoshua 21 and once in Chronicles 1:6 . The lists are not exactly the same and there are many theories on why this is so, which we won't get into now. My focus in this paper is the cities given by the Tribe of Yissachar. The list in Yehoshua reads : Kishyon, Dovrat, Yarmut and Ein Ganim, while the list in Chronicles reads : Kadesh, Dovrat, Ramot and Anem. Once again, there are different theories on the ...